Sunday, March 27, 2011


Having arrived in Dawson during the cold and dark front end of January, Yukon Spring is a revelation to me. We have gone from a dark world to a bright one in a short amount of time - yesterday it was light by seven a.m. and it didn't get really dark till 9:30 pm (better than we do in NL in the summertime!). I can see how this dramatic increase in sunlight every day hooks people in - it's addictive. I can't really imagine what it's like here in the summer, when it's light out nearly all 24 hours...we'll have to come back and see.

I finished the first draft of my book last night, and now have three and a half days left here. You'd think I would be happy about this, but as a workaholic who doesn't quite know how to relax, I found myself at loose ends this morning, and rather upset. However, thanks to Dr. Sunshine, I am on the mend, optimistic, and happy to be hanging out in the fresh air in just my thin sweater. It's the simple things in life that really matter!

Thumbs up to warm weather.


  1. Pat (what's url?) said:

    3.5 days left! what to do? Jump up & down?
    Make something? food, paper mache (sp?), a snowman, colour something - anything - nice and bright, knit socks, decorate your luggage, visit, explore some more...

    We're all looking forward to your being home again. Hurrah!
