Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Last Post

I have come to the end of my residency, and will be leaving tomorrow for Whitehorse, where I do a reading and then fly home at 6:40 am the next day (arriving at 1 in the morning...it's going to be a long trip). It's been a very productive and peaceful time here, and watching the season change from winter to spring has been inspiring - it happens so quickly here. Today I went for one last walk with my camera, and headed back to the ship graveyard, where the other day my friend Meg and I walked into the bush to see all of the ships...when Craig and I first went there was no path at all to get up there so we could only see the ship closest to the river. There are, however, four of them, which were all moved to this same location some years ago. It was a beautiful last walk, and so warm I had to take my jacket off immediately. I am going to miss that when I get home! Thank you Dawson, it's been quite the experience.

artwork on the Midnight Sun Hotel today...

This very tiny cabin on a raft was apparently someone's living quarters last summer - afloat in the middle of the river! It's so small I doubt I would be able to stretch out fully on the floor...

Cracks in the river ice.

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