Monday, January 10, 2011

A Walk on the Dike

It was a balmy -18 Celcius here yesterday, so we decided to take a walk on the Dike trail which runs along the river and circumnavigates the town...

Craig gets suited up...

Thanks to Bryh for the space-age goggles!

My goggles make everything rosier...

Across the street from our place is Robert Services' extremely tiny cabin.

And just down from that is Jack London's equally miniature cabin...with meat store.

Craig finds his true home...

Canadian Rap artist?

The beautiful dike trail.

Did you know the Yukon River salmon runs are the longest in the world? I didn't either.

All the branches are covered with a delicate fur of frost.

My great-grandfather wrote that the Flora Dora had 75 Dancing Girls...either he was exaggerating, or people were very small back then!

Where we go to get our groceries...isn't it sweet?

Diamond Tooth Gerties - the biggest dance hall in town.

Creepy portrait of a Mason on the outside of...

...this place!

And here we are back at our cozy abode.

Please do not feed the Writers.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so wonderful. I get to be in Dawson and Toronto at the same time thanks to you, darlin'!
