Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sun! Glorious Sun!

Today it was very obvious that the light is returning. The sun was out and it even shone right through the living room window! Before now even when the sun was in the sky it wasn't reaching it bathes the hills in glorious golden rays. It was the warmest it's been since we arrived, a mere -16, which feels very comfortable indeed. We headed to Crocus Bluff to make the most of it, then down along the 9th Avenue Trail and back through town...

The view from Crocus Bluff when you can actually see it!

Sun-like snack eaten in the sun's sweet rays.

Frozen river with shivery saplings.

The light was almost making me giddy by the time we finished walking the trail.

The beautiful old Post Office.

You said it, Service.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our New Friend, the Library (and a walk about town)

There were a surprising number of interesting books at the Dawson Library...score!

...and a Fassbinder movie, to Craig's delight and amazement!

Walk from the 9th Avenue Trail and onto the Dike Trail.

A visual record of the scruffy beard which has since been shaved off.

This is part of the Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre, of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Nation.

As we turned the corner we thought these cardboard cutouts were real people!

Violators will be Castrated.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter Wander to Crocus Bluff and Back

This afternoon it was only -26 and the snow was gently falling. I was in the mood to do some exploring, and wandered my way up past Jack London's cabin, onto the 9th Avenue trail, then onto the Crocus Bluff trail, and somehow ended up at the old cemeteries - one for RCMP, for Jewish people, for Masons...all fenced off in their own neat rectangles. Many graves with small picket fences containing the headstone and a tall evergreen (unfortunately my camera had run out of batteries by then, so those photos will have to wait for another day). It was a glorious walk. And -26 seems very comfortable indeed after -50!

I thought it was going to be a face-muffler kind of day, but I was happily incorrect.


Trying to catch a few snowflakes.

Taking photos of yourself while doing so is challenging!

The snowy branches make beautiful and mysterious patterns.

Found some graffiti!

From the Gold Rush era?

I decided to take the Crocus Bluff trail, which heads uphill...

View from Crocus Bluff. On a clear day you would be able to see the mountain on the opposite side of the valley.

Hard to picture in the current weather...

My glasses with their etching of frost.