Friday, February 4, 2011

The Little Train That Couldn't & A Gift in the Mail

Today I had a great 40 minute conversation + online personal comedy/music show with two great friends (and their cat!) who I am lucky enough to Skype with every once and a while. I hurt from laughing. Last time they were cooking supper so I had my own personal Food Network special to watch, but way funnier. Later this afternoon, Craig and I went to the post office to check our lonely mail box, and there was a package for me from one of the two, with a silk flower inside (and other gifts!) that she made from a beautiful piece of fuschia and red fabric that we saw at the Sandy's in CBS this summer. The flower found its natural home on my "hey, it's only -10 out!" hat.

During the conversation today, I told these friends about Craig and I attempting to make the electric train set work (one of the stranger items here, but perhaps one well-suited to housebound writers). I recalled longing for an electric train set much like this when I was little; I never got it. Finally! Our dreams would come true! We spent at least a half an hour setting up the tracks, which were put together with tiny silver pins, many of which were missing, and halfway through discovering that the track was too big to really put anywhere so we had to leave some pieces out. We pressed onward, taking the train down from its decorative spot on the windowsill, and trying to install it on the rails. The back two cars were too long to make the (truncated) curves without derailing. We decided to do a trial run without last two cars, and Craig signaled me to flip the power switch. I put the train in forward and eased up the speed. The power light flickered and smoke began to come out of the wires. I flipped it off and put it in reverse and when we tried again it went backward for about three seconds before stopping, an increasing amount of smoke rising up from the side of the controls.

We finally decided to give up, lest we burn the residency down.

(I think the flower's colours were asking a teensy bit of my clown to come out)

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